What do you dream of for New Haven?

Through Strategic Storytelling, New World Haven seeks to excavate, illuminate, elevate and activate your dreams for your city.


A Public Experiment in Worldmaking

Stories make our reality. Whether the stories we’re told about the place of our birth, the stories of our families, or the stories of our future, we internalize the pathways in these stories as possibilities. These possibilities shape our expectations. These expectations influence our actions. These actions create our reality.

And now, we get to choose…


Decolonize Your Imagination

“we must stop imagining destruction + extraction + deforestation + cages + torture + displacement + surveillance + genocide! we must stop predicting apocalypses + fascist governments + capitalist hierarchies! we must pursue + predict + imagine routes towards liberation!”

New World Haven will help us choose what stories to tell, and thus what realities we desire to experience. In so doing, the narrative will help to give us a collective imaginary from which to create the most equitable, most thriving New Haven possible for our futures. 

Welcome to New World Haven

An interactive digital narrative showing New Haven from the future.


A Public Experiment in Worldmaking

Stories make our reality. Whether the stories we’re told about the place of our birth, the stories of our families, or the stories of our future, we internalize the pathways in these stories as possibilities. These possibilities shape our expectations. These expectations influence our actions. These actions create our reality.

And now, we get to choose.

Decolonize Your Imagination

“we must stop imagining destruction + extraction + deforestation + cages + torture + displacement + surveillance + genocide! we must stop predicting apocalypses + fascist governments + capitalist hierarchies! we must pursue + predict + imagine routes towards liberation!”

New World Haven will help us choose what stories to tell, and thus what realities we desire to experience.

Welcome to New World Haven

An interactive digital narrative showing New Haven from the future.


A Public Experiment in Worldmaking

What if New Haven was a creative and technological Mecca where BIPOC youth could master the most valuable skills in the world? What if the city’s systemic design made it easy for all residents to make an amazing living from their gifts, profiting from their purpose and passion?

The seeds are here. Let’s make them flourish. Imagine us building a New Haven that is the model Silicon Valley for the Arts.

Innovation. Creativity. Abundance. Cultural equity.

Welcome to New World Haven

An interactive digital narrative showing New Haven from the future.

What is New World Haven?

New World Haven is an interactive public narrative telling the story of how New Haven became a bubbling, equitable smart city where cultural production and cultural producers thrive. A Silicon Valley for the Arts.

New World Haven seeks to answer the question: what would New Haven become if Black and Brown folks had the power to determine that?

The New World Haven narrative is an experiment in worldmaking, the act of creating new worlds through a combination of intentional, strategic storytelling and intentional collaborations.

Why New World Haven?

This project was seeded through a series of conversations with local ecosystem builders, artists, technologists, activists and other visionaries.

It is born from a deep connection with the city held by the project’s initiator, Artist Olori Lolade Siyonbola.

“I have an attachment to this city, always feeling drawn back whenever I travel away. I’ve made this place one of my long term homes because the combination of creative culture, activism and visionary innovation makes me feel right at home.” – Olori Lolade Siyonbola

Intro to New World Haven

My Relationship with New Haven

The NOIR Labs Connection

Intro to New World Haven

My Relationship with New Haven

The NOIR Labs Connection

Why New World Haven?

Our Latest Works

Project Supporters

“My style is a combination between photojournalism and fine-art photography with a touch of fashion and creative lighting. My photos are inspired by light, color, techniques from black & white processing, vintage photos, creative perspective, and of course, most importantly, the personalities of the people I photograph!”

Marta Knowly

“My style is a combination between photojournalism and fine-art photography with a touch of fashion and creative lighting. My photos are inspired by light, color, techniques from black & white processing, vintage photos, creative perspective, and of course, most importantly, the personalities of the people I photograph!”

Marta Knowly

“My style is a combination between photojournalism and fine-art photography with a touch of fashion and creative lighting. My photos are inspired by light, color, techniques from black & white processing, vintage photos, creative perspective, and of course, most importantly, the personalities of the people I photograph!”

Marta Knowly


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Service Categories

Upgrade your corporate culture to maximize your organizational success. By improving corporate efficiency, joy and wellness, you’ll see transformative shifts across your organization that positively impact your triple bottom line. All services below are designed to transform your work experience and maximize your impact. All packages can be automated for monthly service using Portal X SaaS.