Update: Aug 15, 2024.

Peace beloved, I’m feeling led to share this with you. I pray you are well.

Below is a song that came to me in prayer last summer. It led me into the recording studio when I was at my lowest.

I had no idea what to expect or how I would possibly survive singing in front of a complete stranger—the studio engineer.

But he was so warm, he made it easy. And I let loose in the booth. It was truly THE. BEST. MEDICINE.

You see I hadn’t been in a studio since my first time—2007, I recorded Cross-Continental Black Nation. But the urge was overwhelming.

All sorts of things began to open up for me from that moment in the studio. I felt lighter, freer, found it easier to experience my highest vibration and be in joy consistently. Without external tools.

Just knowing that I had taken the risk of going to the studio, and then feeling the energy of my voice, I was just flittering about, so giddy and grateful.

First Public Performance

In January I performed in public for the first time in eons, with an ensemble featuring some of the richest, most medicinal voices I have ever heard. That was an absolute dream come true and an incredible honor, especially because it was a healing circle for Black and Brown women that we got to sing for.

Since then and before, the Most High has given me much powerful music for prayer and manifestation. So. much. music. For healing. For power.

I’ve literally had to stop myself from singing too much because I didn’t always have the device space to hold it all.

Here’s a pic of just a chunk of my voice memo music folder:

In tapping into my inner girl, that child in me that knows bliss and knows how to stay in it, music is what comes out. Then fashion and Soulmedicine. The healing aspect of me.

We do have teas, posters and courses coming up. All deeply immersive medicine. Stay tuned for more of that.

Below is the Dong. I call it, for now, Halleluiah

I’d love to hear what you think.

If you see the raw value and how we could make it into a proper tune, get at me dawg 🥰